Club Officers:
Club President – Alissa Eng
Vice President – Jen Watson
Treasurer – Heidi Jensen
Secretary – Trisha Thacker
Contact Info:
President, VP, Treasurer:
Test Chair:
Social Media Chair:
Competition Chair:

Committee Chairs
Membership Chair – Tallia Bryner
Co-Membership Chair -- (OPEN)
Test Session Chair – Nikki Gaskin
Co-Test Chair – (OPEN)
Co-Test Chair -- Tara Denkers
Safe Sport Director – Linda Pattberg
IIA Director – Tara Denkers
SafeSport Chair -- Natali King
Show Chairperson -- Jerraine Dunn
Co-Show Chair -- Cathy Rubio Florian
Skate Swap Coordinator – Keera McClellan
Social Media – Adrian Parkinson
Website Administrator – Joshua Monson
Banquet Coordinator -- Janet Reyes
Volunteer Coordinator -- Arika Lau
Co-Volunteer Coordinator -- Lilian Matheson
Fundraising Chair -- Joelle Penafiel
Scholarship Chair -- Melissa Flint
Newsletter Coordinator -- Janet Reyes
IIA Liaison -- Kayla Peless
Competition Chair -- Bridget Baum
Co-Competition Chair -- Dianna Sosa
Co-Competition Chair -- OPEN
Off Ice Room Coordinator -- Penelope Bendixsen
Graphic Design Assistance -- Brianna Moffett, Adrian Parkins
President: The president delegates tasks, checks in with the coordinators and chairs on a monthly basis, and creates an agenda for each board meeting. The President ensures the club operates under the rules of USFSA and presents items to the club for vote. They are also one of the signatures on the club bank account.
Vice President: The vice president helps run board meetings if the President is unable to attend, stays on top of the club email, and encourages continuing education opportunities for coaches, parents, and skaters. They are also one of the signatures of the club bank account.
Secretary: The secretary takes minutes and notes for each board meeting, or assigns the task to someone else if they can't be in attendance. The secretary gives all information to the website administrator so that it can be posted regularly so the general membership has access to all the same information. The secretary also drafts an email with the information from the meetings and sends it to the newsletter chairperson to be included on monthly information that goes out.
Treasurer: The treasurer keeps track of all revenue and expenses for the club. The treasurer files taxes each year. Generally, no taxes will be taken out since our non profit doesn't generate enough profit but they still need to be filed so we are in accordance with federal law. The treasurer creates and distributes a list of all monthly earnings/expenses to present at each board meeting or appoints someone to do so if they cannot attend.
Membership Chair: The membership chair checks the entryeeze account on a weekly basis for any new members who need to be processed by the USFSA program. The membership chair then sends out an email to each new member welcoming them and explaining the benefits and privileges awarded to club members. The membership chair also sends links to purchase club jackets. The membership chair adds each new member to the google contacts list.
Co-Membership Chair: The co membership chair is responsible for club jackets or other logo apparel. The co membership chair contacts the treasurer to purchase the items after payment has been received with the customer. The co membership chair will oversee embroidery, stoning, and distribution of club apparel. This chair will oversee the ordering of patches for the test chair, and is responsible for ordering awards at the end of each season.
Test Chair: The test chair is responsible for setting up monthly virtual test sessions, with the exception of April when we host an in person test session. The test chair must contact judges, collect registrations from entryeeze, email results, upload results to USFSA, and distribute patches. The test chair will contact the co membership chair or treasurer when patches are needed to be purchased. The test chair will also be responsible for processing payment for tests completed.
Co Test Chair: The co test chair is responsible for emailing the club to alert them of upcoming registration and submission deadlines. The co test chair must also check the membership status of each registered skater. The co test chair is responsible for collecting video links and checking to ensure that all videos are set to public viewing and must email the head test chair all the links at the close of registration.
​Website Administrator: This administrator is tasked with updating the website regularly with upcoming events, coach profiles, board member contact information, monthly board meeting minutes, and any other pertinent information about the club.
Social Media Chair: This chair is responsible for regular Instagram and Facebook updates with regards to club events, membership accomplishments, coach educational achievements, or other relevant posts.
Show Chairperson: This chair is responsible for determining shows for the club. In the past, the club has hosted the "Summer Spectacular" in July and the "Christmas Show" in December. The chair should determine dates by checking with the coaches about upcoming calendar events throughout the state that could interfere, and by working with rink management to rent and reserve the ice time needed for practices or events. Themes and styles, such as recital or group format, should be voted on by the club but the show chairperson creates proposals and oversees the success of shows.
Co-Show Chair: Assists and coordinates with the show chair about upcoming events. Drafts email to the club members about upcoming events and oversees registration. Co-Chair coordinators with volunteer coordinator to ensure positions are filled to make the event run smoothly on performance day.
Banquet Coordinator: Works with test chair to determine all tests passed by each club member throughout the year and creates a PowerPoint or other visual aides to celebrate all achievements of the club skaters. Oversees other awards, as voted on by the club, to be presented at the end of season banquet. This is held sometime late June to early July. Awards skaters with participation in series such as Excel, NQS, Showcase, Collegiate, Solo Dance, etc. Coordinates banquet theme and plan. Previous banquets have been fancy dinners, pool parties, etc.
Volunteer Coordinator: Meets with event chairs to determine the volunteer needs of the club for each event. Creates sign-up sheets and opportunities for each volunteer. Determines with the vote of the club how many volunteer hours will be required by each club member and tracks said hours. Club members have previously been able to pay out their hours if that's what they prefer. Oversees volunteers at events.
Co-Volunteer Coordinator: Helps the volunteer coordinator to fill all positions needed at each event. This may entail reaching out to individuals directly if sign ups are not filled when set via mass email. Oversees the volunteers at the event to ensure each is trained and appreciated at each event.
Fundraising Chair: Works with the board to determine fundraising opportunities for the club and what these funds should go toward to help the local skaters. This could be to bring in guest coaches, hold social events throughout the year, purchase ice time for shows, etc.
Scholarship Chair: Works with the board to determine what scholarship opportunities should be available to skaters within the club. Determines amount for various kinds of national events (NQS, Excel, Dance, Showcase, .). Research best practices by other clubs and presents proposals to the board. Oversees that these scholarships are granted to the appropriate club skaters throughout the year. Also responsible for "send off" events for skaters in varying qualifying events.
Newsletter Coordinator: Works with the board to celebrate the achievements of skaters in a monthly newsletter/email. Helps ensure that multiple emails will not be going out per month to the skaters because all the information can be consolidated into one newsletter, if possible. Relays updated information from website or social media, announces when upcoming board meetings will be held, and welcomes new members.
IIA Liaison: Attends a meeting every other month with the Intermountain Interclub Association and brings information relating to our club to the meeting. Votes on regional figure skating issues within IIA and relays information back at the board meetings held by the club. Must attend IIA zoom meetings and Peaks board meetings.
Competition Chair: Works with the chief referee to prepare the competition announcement, set up EMS registration, invite officials, and acts as a liaison between the referee and the rink management. This person is the contact person for all competitor questions and works with the Co-Chairs to organize judges hospitality and volunteers.
Co-Competition Chair: Helps with the ordering and assembling of swag for competitor gift bags, helps with setting up hotels and other accommodations for judges, works with the volunteer chair to make sure all open volunteer spots are filled, and orders medals. Is available during competition to help answer any questions and help with judges' hospitality and volunteer coordination.
Co-Competition Chair: Assists the competition chair and co-chair in their duties and is available during competition to help answer any questions and help with judges' hospitality and volunteer coordination.
Skate Swap Chair: Manages the collection and sale of gently used skating apparel. Runs a table at our shows and competitions to give skaters the opportunity to look at inventory. Has a key and allows access to skaters who would like to look through the items. Manages the payment by creating a club Venmo and reporting earnings to the treasurer.
SafeSport Chair: -The SafeSport chair does the national educational training required by USFSA to ensure that the rink and club are safe spaces for skaters. The safesport chair manages reports of abuse and works with the victim and local police, if necessary. The safesport chair also ensures that rules are being followed by participating coaches/skaters. Example: 2 deep leadership, personal social media not being followed, power imbalances, locker rooms at competition, etc.
Off Ice Room Coordinator: Coordinates with the subcontractors to ensure plans are moving forward to get the off-ice room up and running. Works with the president and treasurer to get contractors paid (after quotes and bids have been voted on by the board). After off ice room is completed, coordinator will oversee management of the scheduling document (google doc or something similar T.B.D). All scheduling for events and possible rentals of the space will go through the off ice room coordinator.
Graphic Design Assistance: Helpers will be in charge of designing (or coordinating with designers) of all club pamphlets, flyers, show and competition advertisements (Instagram posts, email flyers, etc.). This chair will work with competition, show, and other chairs to collect information for flyers and will oversee distribution of the material to the social media chair, website administrator, and vice president so that it can be sent to the club, plus distribute information to the general public.